We provide bags to our customers as per their requirements, and we also offer products in various shapes and sizes. Our woven bags can bear heavy weights of products and are ideal for packing agro-based products, cement, chemicals, etc. Additionally, our range of big bags is widely used for packing sugar and fertilizers. The variety of paper bags we offer is ideal for packing foodstuffs. In this category, we also offer tea bags, which are laminated from inside to protect the content from moisture. Such bags are also used for packaging chemicals. Besides, we also have the expertise to manufacture bags that are widely used for the packaging of apparels, courier, and mailing services.
The manufacturing technology and machinery are imported from China, India, Korea, Taiwan, and all our products are highly updated and from renowned manufacturers in this line of capital machinery.
Color Woven Bag Industries Ltd is the leading manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of polypropylene bags suitable for all kinds of packaging requirements. It was established in 2009. Our aim is to provide customers with complete packaging solutions in accordance with their requirements and specifications. We have been serving clients in Bangladesh and abroad with our wealth of experience, enabling us to be a reputed international player from being domestic manufacturers and exporters. We provide customized solutions for our clients' packaging requirements and specifications.